駱雨利 特聘教授
Yu-Li Lo, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor
北卡羅萊納大學 |
分子藥劑中心 |
紐約大學醫學院 | 病理與醫學系 |
加州理工學院 | 生物與生物工程系 |
聯絡電話:(02)28267000 ext.67095
畢業學校 | 國別 | 主修學門系所 | 學位 |
明尼蘇達大學 | 美國 | 藥劑學研究所 | 博士 |
臺灣大學 | 中華民國 | 藥學系 | 學士 |
服務機關 | 服務系所 | 職稱 |
現職:國立陽明交通大學 | 藥理學研究所 | 特聘教授 |
國立陽明交通大學 | 藥學系 | 合聘教授 |
經歷:臺南大學 | 生物科技學系 | 教授 |
國立臺南大學 | 生物科技學系 | 主任 |
國立臺南大學 | 生物科技學系碩士班 | 所長 |
國立臺南大學 | 生物資源與科技研究所 | 所長 |
醫學院 |
臨床藥學與藥物科技研究所 | 兼任 |
明尼蘇達大學 | 藥劑研究所 | 研究助理 |
明尼蘇達大學 | 藥劑系 | 助教 |
國立臺灣大學 | 藥學系 | 助教 |
- 榮獲2023年第20屆國家新創獎學研新創獎
- 獲邀至生醫商品化中心主辦之2023年生技醫藥類研發成果聯合廠商說明會演講
- 入選2023年國家生技研究園區NBRP Pitch Day競賽新藥組 (口頭報告/壁報展示)
- 申請國科會112年度傑出研究獎 (不論夢想多麼遙不可及,只要堅持信念,就能朝著目標邁進!)
- 榮獲2023年榮總台灣聯合大學系統第19期合作研究成果發表會生技醫藥壁報論文獎第二名
- 榮獲2022年第19屆榮台聯大優良論文獎第三名
- 獲邀至2023年臺大藥學七十週年慶:邁向卓越–藥學耕耘七十載學術研討會演講
- 榮獲2022年榮總台灣聯合大學系統第18期合作研究成果發表會壁報論文獎第二名
- 榮獲國科會(科技部) 2021未來科技獎:多層次酸鹼應變脫殼及標靶胜肽修飾之細胞核和粒線體雙靶向奈米粒可針對多種癌症遞送抗癌藥物和基因療法之技術平台
- 榮登終身科學影響力(1960-2021)、2020、2021年度科學影響力排行榜全球Top 2%學者
- 榮獲陽明交大110、111年度第三季重要期刊論文獎
- 榮獲陽明交大110年度教師重要學術獎表揚
- 榮獲2021年第17屆榮台聯大優良論文獎第三名
- 109年度(2020年)經陽明交大核定為永久免接受評估教師
- 獲聘陽明交大特聘教授 (Distinguished Professor)
- 2021年榮獲美國與中華民國發明專利各一項
- 2022年榮獲美國與中華民國發明專利各一項
- 2023年第三項中華民國與美國專利申請中
- 2019~2022年已發表5篇impact factor (IF) ≥ 10之期刊論文,駱雨利教授均為通訊或第一作者
- 此外,2018~2022年也已發表6篇Rank = 10~26%之論文,駱雨利教授均為通訊或第一作者
- 歷年已累計有四篇論文刊登於藥學領域排名top 5% (SCI; IF = 5; Rank = 4.30% by IF in Pharmacology & Pharmacy)的Journal of Controlled Release期刊上,其中J. Control. Release 2003; 90 (1): 37-48,截至2023年9月已被引用257次
- 2019與 2021~2022獲邀至美國紐約大學/加州理工學院/北卡羅萊納大學(藥學排名第一)當訪問學者,並參訪杜克大學
研究主題 腫瘤微環境敏感型奈米標靶載體應用於精準化癌症標的與治療
- 細胞核/粒線體/內質網靶向奈米粒遞送免疫-基因-化療組合療法(3年期計畫)
- 遞輸CRISPR/Cas9 基因編輯系統及化療藥物之智慧型奈米粒以增強抗腫瘤效應(3年期計畫)
- 標靶藥物與核醣核酸之奈米劑型可雙向調控腫瘤能量代謝與粒線體功能
- 設計溫度或環境敏感及胜肽修飾奈米粒作為多功能標的治療之輸送載體
- 可解離的腫瘤標靶奈米粒作為癌症藥物及基因組合療法之載體
- 發展CRISPR/Cas、微小核醣核酸、反義寡核苷酸或干擾核醣核酸及抗癌藥物之奈米粒作為抗癌新製劑
- 具潛力抗氧化及抗老化成分之新劑型研發
1. 腫瘤標靶與酸鹼敏感型奈米遞輸系統研發 | 2. 開發抗菌胜肽作為抗癌藥物之新佐劑 | 3. 生技醫藥奈米製劑研發 |
4. 調控腫瘤代謝與粒線體功能及抑制多重抗藥性 | 5. CRISPR/Cas9因編輯系統或反義核酸劑型研發 | 6. 干擾性或微小核醣核酸之抗癌製劑 |
7. 天然物作為抗癌佐劑之活性篩選 | 8. 生醫高分子及原位成膠 | 9. 奈米粒之冷凍乾燥及噴霧乾燥劑型設計 |
- Li, C.Y., Chou, T.F., Lo, Y.L.* An innovative nanoformulation utilizing tumor microenvironment-responsive PEG-polyglutamic coating and dynamic charge adjustment for specific targeting of ER stress inducer, microRNA, and immunoadjuvant in pancreatic cancer: in vitro investigations. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2024; 254: 127905 (SCI; IF=8.2; Rank = 5.38% by IF in Polymer Science; USA patent and Taiwan patent application: under review).
- Lin, S.Y., Wang, Y.Y., ……., Lo, Y.L., Chang, Y.H., Chen, C.J.* DHA alleviated hepatic and adipose inflammation with increased adipocyte browning in high-fat diet-induced obese mice. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 2023; 122: 109457.
- Lo, Y.L.*, Lin, H.C., Tseng, W.H. Tumor pH-functionalized and charge-tunable nanoparticles for the nucleus/cytoplasm-directed delivery of oxaliplatin and miRNA in the treatment of head and neck cancer. Acta Biomaterialia 2022; 153: 465 (SCI; IF=70; Rank = 9.38% by IF in Engineering, Biomedical; US patent and Taiwan patent).
- Lo, Y.L.*, Wang, T.Y., Chen, C.J., Chang, Y.H., Lin, A.M.Y.* Two-in-one nanoparticle formulation to deliver a tyrosine kinase inhibitor and microRNA for targeting metabolic reprogramming and mitochondrial dysfunction in gastric cancer. Pharmaceutics 2022; 14(9): 1759 (SCI; IF = 5.4; Rank = 10.22% by JCI in Pharmacology & Pharmacy; 榮獲2022年榮總台灣聯合大學系統第18期合作研究成果發表會壁報論文獎第二名; 2023年第19屆榮台聯大優良論文獎第三名).
- Chang, Y.H., …Lo, Y.L., Chen, C.J., Tsai, H.F., Shiau, M.Y. Implication of adipogenesis-coupled CRMP2 functional profile in metabolic homeostasis and imbalance. Biomedicines2022;10(10):2603 (SCI; IF = 4.76; Rank = 30.82% by IF in Pharmacology & Pharmacy).
- Chang, Y.H., …Lo, Y.L., Chen, C.J., Tsai, H.F., Shiau, M.Y. Characterization of collapsin response mediator protein 2 in colorectal cancer progression in subjects with diabetic comorbidity. Cells2022;11(4):727 (SCI; IF = 7.67; Rank = 26.29% by IF in Cell Biology).
- Wang, C.S., Chang, C.H., Tzeng, T.Y., Lin, A.M.Y., Lo, Y.L.* Gene-editing by CRISPR-Cas9 in combination with anthracycline therapy via tumor microenvironment-switchable, EGFR-targeted, and the nucleus-directed nanoparticles for head and neck cancer suppression. Nanoscale Horizons 2021; 6(9): 729 (SCI; IF = 9.7; Rank = 14.33% by IF in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary). 被選為2021第6卷第9期封底 (outside back cover).
- Lo, Y.L.*, Lin, H.C., Hong, S.T., Chang, C.H., Wang, C.S., Lin, A.M.Y.* Lipid polymeric nanoparticles modified with tight junction-modulating peptides promote afatinib delivery across a blood–brain barrier model. Cancer Nanotechnology 2021; 12: 13 (SCI; IF=5.7; Rank = 25.73% by IF in Oncology).
- Huang, H.J., Wang, H.T., Yeh, T.Y., Lin, B.W., Shiao, Y.J., Lo, Y.*, Lin, A.M.Y.* Neuroprotective effect of selumetinib on acrolein-induced neurotoxicity. Scientific Reports 2021; 11: 12497 (SCI; IF = 4.6; Rank 15.79% by JCI in Multidisciplinary Sciences).
- Lo, Y.L.*, Wang, C.S., Chen, Y. C., Wang, T.Y., Chang, Y.H., Chen, C.J., Yang, C.P. Mitochondrion-directed nanoparticles loaded with a natural compound and a microRNA for promoting cancer cell death via the modulation of tumor metabolism and mitochondrial dynamics. Pharmaceutics 2020; 12(8): 756 (SCI; IF = 5.4; Rank = 10.22% by JCI in Pharmacology & Pharmacy; 榮獲2021年第17屆榮台聯大優良論文獎第三名與第18期合作研究成果發表會壁報論文獎第二名).
- Lin, Y.Y., Yang, Y.Y., Wei-Yi Lai, Chian-Shiu Chien, Shih-Jen Chen, De-Kuang Hwang, Ying-Hsiu Lai, Tai-Chi Lin, Shih-Hwa Chiou, Lo, Y.L., Teh-Ia Huo, Yueh Chien*. Development of polydimethylsiloxane-based biomimetic scaffolds with cylinder micropillars for retinal pigment epithelial cell cultivation. J Chin Med Assoc.2020; 83(11):1029. (SCI; IF = 3.4; Rank = 71% by JCI in Medicine, General & Internal)
- Lo, Y.L.*, Chang, C.H., Wang, C.S., Yang, M.H., Lin, A.M.Y., Hong, C.J., Tseng, W.H. PEG-coated nanoparticles detachable in acidic microenvironments for the tumor-directed delivery of chemo- and gene therapies for head and neck cancer. Theranostics 2020; 10(15): 6695 (SCI; IF= 12.4; Rank = 5.88% by IF in Medicine, Research & Experiment; US patent and Taiwan patent).
- Lin, S.Y., Yang, C.P., Wang, Y.Y., Hsiao, C.W., Chen, W.Y., Lai, S.L., Lo, Y.L., Chang, Y.H., Hong, C.J., Chen, C.J.* Interleukin-4 improves metabolic abnormalities in leptin deficient and high-fat diet mice. J. Mol. Sci. 2020; 21(12): 4451 (SCI; IF = 5.6; Rank = 23.16% by IF in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology).
- Juang, V., Chang, C.H., Wang, C.S., Chen, Y.C., Wang, H.E., Lo, Y.L.* pH-responsive PEG-shedding and targeting peptide-modified nanoparticles for dual-delivery of irinotecan and microRNA to enhance tumor-specific therapy. Small 2019; 15(49):e1903296 (SCI; IF = 3; Rank = 8.48% by IF in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; US patent and Taiwan patent).
- Hong, S.T., Lin, H.C., Wang, C.S., Chang, C.H., Lin, A.M.Y., Yang, C.H.J., Lo, Y.L.* Improving the anticancer effect of afatinib and microRNA by using lipid polymeric nanoparticles conjugated with dual pH-responsive and targeting peptides. J Nanobiotechnology 2019;17(1):89 (SCI; IF = 10.2; Rank = 7.69% by IF in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology).
- Lo, Y.L.*, Y.C. Chen, C.H. Chang, W.H. Tseng, C.S. Wang. Tumor-targeted and pH-shiftable nanoparticles to encapsulate oxaliplatin and microRNA for colorectal cancer therapy. In: Proceedings of the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics; 2019 Oct 26-30; Boston, MA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Mol Cancer Ther 2019;18(12 Sup l): Abstract A100.
- Chen, J., Hsu, C.C., Shiao, Y.J., Wang, H.T., Lo, Y.L.*, Lin, A.M.Y.* Anti-inflammatory effect of afatinib (an EGFR-TKI) on OGD-induced neuroinflammation. Scientific Reports 2019; 9(1): 2516 (SCI; IF = 4.6; Rank 15.79% by JCI in Multidisciplinary Sciences).
- Yang, C.P., Shiau, Y., Lai, Y.R., Ho, K.T., Hsiao, C.W., Chen, C.J., Lo, Y.L., Chang, Y.H.* Interleukin-4 boosts insulin-induced energy deposits by enhancing glucose uptake and lipogenesis in hepatocytes. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018; 6923187 (SCI; IF = 7.31; Rank = 28.35% by IF in Cell Biology).
- Zhao, W.Z., Wang, H.T., Huang, H.J., Lo, Y.*, Lin, A.M.Y.* Neuroprotective effects of baicalein on acrolein-induced neurotoxicity in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system of rat brain. Molecular Neurobiology 2018; 55(1): 130 (SCI; IF=5.1; Rank = 20.92% by JCI in Neurosciences).
- Lin, G.L., Ting, H.J., Tseng, T.C., Juang, V., Lo, Y.L.* Modulation of the mRNA-binding protein HuR as a novel reversal mechanism of epirubicin-triggered multidrug resistance in colorectal cancer cells. PLoS One 2017; 12(10): e0185625 (SCI; IF = 3.7; Rank = 21.05% by JCI in Multidisciplinary Sciences).
- Wang, H.T.*, Lin, J.H., Yang, C.H, Huang, C.H., Weng, C.W., Lin, A.M.Y., Lo, Y.L., Chen, W.S., Tang, M.S. Acrolein induces mtDNA damages, mitochondrial fission and mitophagy in human lung cells. Oncotarget 2017; 8: 70406 (SCI; IF = 5.168; Rank = 20.28% by IF in Oncology).
- Wang, Y.T., Lin, H.C., Zhao, W.Z., Huang, H.J., Lo, Y.L., Wang, H.T.*, Lin, A.M.Y.* Acrolein acts as a neurotoxin in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system of rat: involvement of α-synuclein aggregation and programmed cell death. Scientific Reports 2017; 7: 45741-45749 (SCI; IF = 0; Rank 14.18% by JCI in Multidisciplinary Sciences).
- Lin, K.H., Hong, S.T., Wang, H.T., Lo, Y.L.*, Lin, A.M.Y.*, Yang, C.H.J. (2016) Enhancing anticancer effect of gefitinib across the blood-brain barrier model using liposomes modified with one alpha-helical cell-penetrating peptide or glutathione and Tween 80. J. Mol. Sci. 2016; 17 (12): 1998-2014 (SCI; IF = 5.6; Rank = 23.16% by IF in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology).
- Juang, V., Lee, H.P., Lin, A.M.Y., Lo, Y.L.* Cationic PEGylated liposomes incorporating an antimicrobial peptide hepcidin 2-3: an adjuvant of epirubicin to overcome multidrug resistance in cervical cancer cells. J. Nanomedicine 2016; 11: 6047–6064 (SCI; IF = 8.0; Rank = 6.50% by IF in Pharmacology & Pharmacy).